Saturday, July 24, 2010

Healthcare bill has outrageous anti-gold and anti-small business tax

I have never been a conspiracy theory freak...but maybe 2012 is the end, for America at least. This tax will DESTROY small business, privacy, and the constitutional rights of Americans to own REAL money.

Message to the average American from OBAMA: YOU WILL SUPPORT THE FED and PRIVATE BANKS OR ELSE!

Question: Why was this tax in the healthcare bill?
Answer: Because, like the healthcare bill it is all about control, crushing personal freedom, and looting all responsible citizens to reward looters. Oh... and did I mention punishing small businesses?

Personally, I am considering leaving this country before 2012. My God, I can already envision the newly armed IRS storming any citizen's home that dares to buy a gold coin without a 1099.

1 comment:

  1. This really angers me!! I bought gold/silver coins a few years ago to avoid being taxed (as we are nearly tax on everything). I was offered gold bars but avoided this.

    It reminds me of a great book out about what our govt. is doing to us each day. We virtually have 'not taxation without representation' in America. It's a wonderful book that hits on citizens taking a stand just like this issue of taxing gold coins. I recommend it.
