Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A perfect example of out-of-control government regulations and lawyers

Hard to believe. A small business owner sued and his livelyhood threatened because after replacing a vandalized bathroom mirror, it is two inches too high. How is this not tyranny?


  1. This has nothing to do with out-of-control government regulations. It has everything to do with out-of-control attorneys and a selfish, greedy patron.

  2. I agree that an 'out-of-control attorney' and a 'selfish, greedy patron' are also responsible, but it is the ridiculous government regulations (in this case highly-specific ADA regs) that encourages and enables such behavior.

    I read something recently that captures this concept nicely:

    "the ADA has become a symbol of the confused, paternalistic, interventionist concept of modern freedom — a freedom based solely on government's twisting some people's arms, grabbing some people's wallets, and risking some people's lives to provide special treatment to others" (Bovard 1996)
