Saturday, June 26, 2010

America surrenders part of Arizona to Mexico

Welcome to Obama's America!

Secure the Borders?

No way!

Just restrict US citizens from free travel in their own country-that will solve the problem!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The masses are restless.....

Dear Speaker,

May I recommend that you read Atlas Shrugged? You see, like the corrupt collectivist politicians in that novel, you have emboldened the looters and parasites on Mainstreet, Wallstreet and in Washington DC. Fueled by the intrinsic moral hazards of your warped Marxist ideas, America is collapsing- the novel will provide you a glimpse of what you are creating, or more accurately, destroying.

All around me I see the collapse: people who used to be responsible are now walking away from debt and their homes; some are squatting in their foreclosed houses and just saving money. Others have vowed to earn only enough money to 'get by', since they do not feel that they will be able to keep the fruits of their labor-they wish to 'starve the beast', so to speak.

Many others are starting to recognize that the the game is rigged, as this country only rewards looters, ranging from the corrupt 'too-big-to-fails' to the illegals that break our laws and rob our social programs. How soon until they 'Go Galt' and decide to quit playing a rigged game?

Understand this speaker Pelosi, as the corpse of this once great nation begins to cool, and the hard working, responsible portion of the citizenry begins to 'Go Galt' en masse, the parasites will need to find a new, robust body on which to feed- good luck finding one.

In the absence of a fresh meal, they will become restless and attack any body near this case, you.

Enjoy, this truly is a preview of your America's future!